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Korean Council for University Education-Brochure

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korean council for university education - working for universities in the 21st century

Key Programs and Resources

The Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) actively pursues partnerships and works to build networks with associations, universities, and other higher education organizations around the world through International Cooperation Team. It strives to support the internationalization of its member universities, pursues joint projects through international collaboration, and provides member universities with information on trends and developments in global higher education.

1. Promoting International Cooperation

While maintaining informal, collaborative relationships with several dozen organizations in approximately fourteen countries and constantly expanding its international network, the Council currently has partnerships through formal agreements with the following organizations:
Conference des presidents d'universite (CPU), Paris (July, 2013)
Universities Scotland (US), Scotland (March 2013)
Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education (HEEC), China (October 2010)
National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation (NIAD-UE), Japan (August 2010)
Consejo Nacional Evaluacion, Acreditacion y Certificacion de la Calidad de la Educacion Universitaria (CONEAU), Peru (February 2008)
Associacion Nacional de Instituciones de Educacion en Tecnologias de Informacion A.C. (ANIEI), Mexico (February 2008)
German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), Germany (October 2007, November 2006)
KCUE also supports to develop key agenda for Ministers’ Meeting at ASEM, APEC, ASEAN+3, EAS, to monitor international cooperation on higher education in ASEAN+3, to support competence-building programs to enable education innovation on ASEAN, and to conduct research of cross-border mobility in higher education.

2. Supporting Internationalization of Korean Higher Education

KCUE assists member universities to participate in international higher education fairs (e.g. NAFSA, EAIE, APAIE), promote internationalization of Korean higher education through cooperation with foreign embassies in Korea, Korean Association of Foreign Student Administrators (KAFSA) and Korean Association of Deans of International Affairs (KADIA). The Council also runs a Korean Academic Recognition Information Center (KARIC) to provide official information on Korean higher education.

3. Cooperating through Cross-Border Mobility Programs

To promote the internationalization of university education in Korea, the Council also implements Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia (CAMPUS Asia) at member universities. Some of the projects run by KCUE are listed below:
(1) Korea ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS):

Korea AIMS is laying the foundation for exchange programs among universities (credit transfer and joint curricula) and ensure the quality of degree programs. Under the current AIMS Program, students receive government-funded scholarships to study at the host country. A total of 68 universities in 8 countries (Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brunei, Philippines and Japan) are currently participating in the Program. Click to go to homepage of Korea-AIMS
(2) Korea-Japan-China CAMPUS Asia:

Korea-Japan-China CAMPUS Asia Project was launched in 2011. This is a joint program which aims to build a platform for educational collaboration, cultivating international capability of university students in Korea-Japan-China, and to foster leaders for the next-generation through joint and dual-degree programs. A pilot program was operated from 2012 to 2016 with 10 participating universities in Korea. From October 2016, the full program began in a form of Korea-Japan-China joint and dual-degree programs with 17 Korean universities. The Korean government provides financial support to the participating Korean universities to cover scholarships for government invited students and expanses for the operation of university programs. The three countries are developing a common monitoring guideline for their member universities, which will be introduced from 2018.
Click to go to homepage of Korea-Japan-China CAMPUS Asia